Tuesday, June 19, 2007

CocoRosie at the Bloomsbury Ballroom

An amazing fusion of sound, eros, light, film, video and art, the Coco Rosie concert at an intimate art deco palace, the Bloomsbury Ballroom, epitomized the thesis for this class: that it is not enough to study films set in London (London in Film), nor is it enough to become intimate with the way London chronicles film and film culture (London on Film), nor is it enough to conceive of London itself as cinema (London as film). In the end, it is the last designation, London is film, that best captures the blend of peoples and visual media that London provides--for London is, at once, existentially cinematic and cinematically existential.

Here's a taste from the concert; my apologies for the bad sound and lighting--all the cinematographer's fault, not CocoRosie's!

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