Tuesday, June 12, 2007


The gallery Sketch, which also turns into a restaurant, café, and art museum, was quite intriguing. Walking in felt like walking into a new world. I got excited when I saw hop scotch on the floor. Couldn’t help it I had to go for it so I did all six squares. Continuing down the hallway of artsy figures, I came to a room of all white. The Blessing by artist Claire Hooper struck me as a bit odd in the beginning. The twelve screen room with different video channels and diverse footage on each screen caused me to be awestruck. When you sit down, one would have to switch seats about four times as you will catch a different piece of footage.
A man walking into an art gallery who brakes into a seizure laid the foundation for me to think this is all somewhat bizarre. Another screen shows various ethnic people with their eyes closed. They went into zen mode and a state of peace. Space figures began to float along with an upbeat sound which reminded me of Star Wars to be honest. A man holding a prism which many feel could symbolize religion yet hit me as a sign to take a look closer. In the finale, a man and women are sitting on and in the exact room of the gallery. Both opened their eyes. Again I took this footage a sense of zen and meditation of course this is my take on it. One of the great things about art I’ve learned is that you don’t have to be right or wrong about your judgment. Its how you chose to perceive and take it all in.

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