Sunday, June 17, 2007


Our first full length film viewing Cinetrek was an adventure to an amazing artistically stunning and utterly confusing and somewhat dull film. “Klimpt” starring John Malkovic, who is one of my favorite actors, deals with the deterioration of a late 19th early 20th century painter who is suffering from syphilis. This film managed to truly make for an interesting night for it was mostly not given as a comfortable timeline of his life that truly allowed you to understand where he was coming from and his background, it merely threw you in to his life when he started suffering from syphilis and as the film viewer t was often times very difficult to see what was truly there, and what was a figment of Klimpt’s imagination. I believe the one scene that could not have been left out was that were he is walked in on by a doctor talking to a room full of coat hangers and hats. This was one sign that truly stood out to me and showed the movie viewer that he was starting to truly show lasting large effects and that it did not seem that there would be much hope for recovery. Although I did not enjoy the movie partially because of my jet-lagged state, I could still appreciate the roll that Malkovic was able to interpret and perform and this added some enjoyment to the film because of his mastery and genius state when it comes to odd roles. I will most likely try to make myself watch it again in ten years and see if my intellect has advanced enough to a place where I have a better understanding and can see and appreciate the artistic mediums used in the film.

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