Vicki Christina Barcelona is the perfect film to see while traveling abroad. It creates just the right atmosphere for one with an open mind and eager for adventure. For the most part, Vicky and Christina exemplify the typical attitude of young Americans traveling overseas. They are youthful with few responsibilities and excited for whatever adventures come their way. The two girls remind me much of myself at the beginning of the film as they set out ready for new sites and new people. What might have sounded like a bad idea at home, suddenly sounds like a thrilling adventure. A new environment can often create a distorted sense of reality, where everything is picturesque. I do not think this is necessarily a bad thing, as it allows one to try things and do things they would not otherwise do.
In Vicky Christina Barcelona, Vicky and Christina accept an invitation to spend the weekend with a complete stranger in a city that they have never been. This sounds like an extreme case, but also an offer that some on our trip might have a hard time declining; including myself. An attractive man asks you and your best friend to join him on a weekend getaway to a tropical island. I think this would sound like paradise for some, and of course it is only natural to be leery of the intentions of a man like Juan Antonio. Aside from my reservations about Juan Antonio I think I would regret not going. Although I have not experienced anything as wild as Vicky and Christina did in the film, who knows what the rest of our stay here in London has is store for us.
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