Screaming girls, adoring fans, TV cameras, paparazzi, movie stars and their posies. The Harry Potter premier was everything it should have been and then some; meaning thunder, lightning and some of the biggest rain drops I have ever stood in. Having never seen a Harry Potter movie, or read any of the countless number of Harry Potter books; although I have been to platform 9¾ at Kings Cross Station here in London, the excitement I felt was still overpowering. The thought that you might see yet another huge celebrity, here in London just does something to you. You feel like a giddy little kid again and not like the mature college student, who is studying abroad halfway around the world. After waiting in the hot sun for over an hour and watching the dark stormy clouds slowly creep your way, the stars of the newest Harry Potter film started to arrive. Recognizing one made the experience that much more enjoyable for myself. Yet for others, seeing everyone would complete their lives and I think for some fans, their lives are now complete. As more actors came, so did more rain, thunder and lightning, literally. As time went on and after Mercedes after Mercedes arrived, so did the rain, causing the Harry Potter stars to run for cover inside the press area and not mingle with as many fans as they might have otherwise. This definitely upset some eager young patrons who had been waiting hours outside upon their arrival. Nonetheless, movie premiers are always an exciting time, especially if you life for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
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